Blind paintings, 2016

/English below/

Seamos claros: Lo que de verdad puede interesarnos de esta pintura no son sus trampas. Sino quizás lo contrario: La desafiante transparencia con la que muestra todas las estructuras que le dan forma, (...) esa sensación de transparencia total nunca nos es entregada (...) algo va a seguir permaneciendo oculto para nosotros, opaco a nuestra visión. Incluso nos cuesta vencer la sensación de que el verdadero propósito último de mostrárnoslo todo puede precisamente ser el que no logremos ver nada.


Let us be clear: what might truly interest us in this painting are not its trappings. Rather, the opposite: the challenging transparency by which it reveals all the structures that inform it, (...) that sense of total transparency is never surrendered to us (...) something will remain hidden from us, opaque to our vision. We find it hard even to overcome the feeling that the real purpose of showing us all is that we end up unable to see anything.
*Translated from the original in Spanish

José Luis Brea. El cristal se venga, 2014

Exhibition view, Blind paintings, 2016 (images 1-5)
Galeria 3+1 Arte Contemporânea
, Lisbon (Portugal)
30 sept - 12 nov 2016


Blind Paintings o el lugar de la mirada
Secretos de la imagen y silencios del arte en la obra de Rubén M. Riera
  Por Luis Francisco Pérez
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Blind paintings or the place of the gaze
The secrets of the image and the silence of art in the work of Rubén M. Riera

By Luis Francisco Pérez
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To crack. The last accident, 2016
Acrylic and spray on transparent polyethylene and wooden frame, 197’5 cm Ø.

Pass, 2016 
Acrylic and spray on transparent polyethylene and wooden frame, 165 x 156 x 3 cm.

Onomatopeia, 2016 
Acrylic and aluminium on wooden frame 46 x 35cm.

Photo: Joâo Ferro Martins